Gender Equality as a Standard
An Event Co-Sponsored by IREX and Encompass
October 1, 2019
This Endorser Café offered a deep-dive conversation around Gender Analysis as a foundational underpinning for the standard on accountability. This café offered development practitioners an opportunity to exchange and learn from one another on:
- Defining scopes of work for high quality gender analysis
- Processes and mechanisms for confirming a high quality gender analysis was completed
- Applying gender analysis results to design and implementation
Promoting a Culture of Accountability: A Conversation with the Gender Practitioner’s Collaborative (GPC) and Endorsers of the Minimum Standards for Mainstreaming Gender Equality
An Event Co-Sponsored by Winrock International and Grameen Foundation
Wednesday, October 24, 2018
Gender equality outcomes are strongly influenced by an organization’s culture, structure, systems, policies, and values, as well as the commitment of its leadership. Accountability mechanisms must be in place for an organization to realistically deliver on its commitment to mainstream gender equality. However, accountability mechanisms are not just about recognizing gaps—they represent opportunities to track progress, promote successes, and identify lessons learned on the path toward achieving effective gender mainstreaming.
This facilitated conversation enabled both organizations who have endorsed Gender Standards, as well as individuals from the international development community who are interested in learning more, to dive deep into what it takes to build and promote a culture of accountability for mainstreaming gender. It offered an opportunity for different organizations to share their experiences on the road to accountability. The Endorsers’ Café began with a short moderated panel, and then opened up into a larger round table discussion around the following themes:
- The effectiveness of internal gender audits as a tool in highlighting gaps and the need for increased attention and resources around gender mainstreaming
- Integrating gender analyses and action planning as part of the project’s life cycle and its success for building accountability and measurement
- The advantages and pitfalls of linking staff performance to gender equality outcome
- Types of processes that promote internal reflection and ownership of gender equality mainstreaming
From Rhetoric to Results: Creating Accountability for Gender Standards
An Event Co-Sponsored by World Vision, CRS, CARE, Mercy Corps, and IRC
November 16, 2017
This interactive panel and discussion focused on establishing accountability mechanisms within organizations and programs. Leaders from World Vision, Catholic Relief Services, CARE, Interaction, Mercy Corps, International Refugee Commission, and others spoke about what it takes to ensure accountability for gender mainstreaming, with a focus on gender audits and project-level gender scorecards. The panel and discussion focused on promising and innovative approaches, lessons learned, and what’s on the horizon in the field.